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Gentle Warriors of the Night

Professor Hannah Dahlen
Associate Dean Research and HDR, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Western Sydney University

by | Jun 26, 2024 | Creative Corner

Gentle Warriors of the Night

Professor Hannah Dahlen – Associate Dean Research and HDR, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Western Sydney University
Social @hannahdahlen

I heard Hannah reading her beautiful poem at a conference this year. The whole room was spellbound, every line, every word being absorbed by each and every one of us. Sometimes, just sometimes we feel overwhelmed with the pressure and stress of work, as midwives. We need reminders of the deep importance of our work and Hannah has created just that with this meaningful and insightful prose. When Hannah came to visit us from Australia last month I asked her if I could film her speaking the words again, so that we could publish the clip to share with the world. Here it is! We are more than grateful to Hannah for allowing us to do this, what a privilege.

Sheena Byrom

Hannah told me:

‘A couple of years ago I was doing laps in my pool thinking about how lucky I am to be a midwife and how many amazing midwives have made my life so special. I began to write about this awe i felt in my head at first and then I stared to plonk my thoughts in my notes in my phone between laps. Lap after lap new ideas came until ‘Gentle Warriors of the Night’ was born. This is my ode to the amazing work of midwives through the ages and into the future. We have always been here and we always be here. Not many professions can make this claim’.

Click the photo of Hannah below to listen to the poem.

hannah dahlen

Listen to the poem by Hannah Dahlen. 




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