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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Taking care of your information

All4Maternity and The Practising Midwife are part of All4Holdings Ltd company. At All4holdings we are committed to supporting you with your learning, sharing and caring needs. Our aim is to develop a thriving online community to help enhance maternity care for all women, babies and families. You are part of that community and that is why taking care of the information you provide to us is so important. This privacy policy sets out how we collect, use and store your personal information.

Please read this policy carefully; by providing us with your personal information, you consent to the collection and use of any information you provide in accordance with this policy. Occasionally, we may make changes to this policy so do remember to check back from time to time.

If you have any questions on this policy, please email us at in**@al***********.com

Who we are

All4Maternity and The Practising Midwife are registered brands owned by All4Holdings Ltd. All4Holdings Ltd is a registered commercial publishing company. Our aim is to provide educational resources and contents to midwives, maternity workers and all those providing and using maternity services around the world. Founded in 2017, All4holdings, classified under reg no. 10597238 is an active company. Currently registered at Saturn House, Mercury Rise BB5 5YL, Burnley the company has been in the business for one year.

What information do we collect about you?

Collecting relevant personal information from you helps us to operate as efficiently as possible and makes sure our interactions with you are timely, relevant and tailored for you. To do this, we may collect information about you in the following ways:

  • When you interact with us such when you make a donation, take a campaign action or attend an event. Sometimes you might be interacting with an organisation working on our behalf but we are still responsible for your information.
  • When you interact with third parties such as when you subscribe via our subscription management team at The Marketing Centre.
  • When you visit our website we may gather information, such as which pages you visit or how long you spend reading a particular page. This data helps us to improve your online experience, for example by adding new features, or removing elements that make the website difficult to use. We may also use data and insights to help inform the choice of words and images that appear on the site, in order to improve visitors’ response to our campaigns.
  • We occasionally use session recording or click tracking software to understand how you interact with our websites, for example by scrolling the page, or clicking your mouse on a particular link. This information is used to inform future changes to website design and functionality. None of the information you provide when completing a form or typing during these sessions is recorded. Only your interaction with our website is captured and we receive no information about other sites you may view. Like most websites we use cookies to help us do this, but wherever possible we use aggregated, anonymous information that does not identify individuals.
  • You can find out more in our how we use cookies section below. Depending on the type of device you’re using, your apps and settings may supply us with additional information about the device type, your operating system, and details associated with this.
  • From other information that is available to the public to help us understand more about you and ensure our communications are tailored to you. To do this, we may use information from publicly available sources such as Companies House, or information published in the media, as well as that which is commercially available through third party subscriptions.

 What information we collect

Depending on how you interact with us, the information that we collect may include your name, postal address, email address, telephone or mobile number, your contact preferences, bank details, midwifery education details (if you are a student – including your qualification date) and place of work, when relevant.

We may also collect information about any donations you make to us and any events that you register for and engage in.

We do this to make sure our communications to you are appropriate and tailored – something we know means a lot to our community members and subscribers.

We may sometimes use third party supplies to support us in this work– to understand more about this please see the section below, “Who we share your information with”.

How we use your information

We will ask for your consent before we use your information for certain purposes, such as sending you emails about new resources, areas of interest on our website or how you can make the most out of your subscription with us. We may also use your information where we have a legitimate interest in order to carry out our activities, examples include:

  • To provide you with the services, products or information you have requested, or that we feel would be of interest to you, and reasonably expected by you
  • To process your payments and verify financial transactions
  • To process orders, deliver products and communicate with you about orders such as your subscription or other products that you may purchase.
  • To provide updates on our work focusing on improving learning, sharing and caring resources for all maternity care workers to enhance outcomes for women and families using maternity services, where you have agreed to receive this.
  • For administrative purposes, for example to contact you with a query about your subscription or where you have contacted our Customer Care Team (Info@all4maternity)
  • To keep a record of your relationship with us
  • To ask you to participate in relevant surveys or research
  • To analyse the personal information we collect about you to better understand you and ensure our communications are tailored to you
  • To analyse and improve our website, services, products or information
  • To understand our supporters better and develop audience propositions
  • To process an internship application or job application.

So we can let you know the latest news about our All4Maternity and The Practising Midwife work, to share with you how else you can get involved and make the most of your subscription, we may contact you by direct mail, and by telephone, email or SMS, where you have agreed to be contacted. You can change how you hear from us at any time simply by getting in touch with our Customer Care Team – please see the section “How to change the way we contact you” below.

When you enter information into a form on our website and start but don’t complete a form, make a donations or complete a purchase we may send you an email to check and see if there is any help we can give or any problems you encountered.

If you would prefer us not to analyse your information or combine it with publicly available information, you can let us know by contacting our Customer Care Team.

Who we share your information with

We may share your information with partners, agents or service providers to allow them to perform services on our behalf or to help us offer you a better service and care. These partners will only act under our instruction and will not use your information for their own purposes.

We always have contracts in place with our suppliers, which require them to comply with UK’s law on data protection and to have systems and processes to protect the security of your information. We promise to always keep your details safe and we’ll never sell or swap your information with any other organisation.

We may disclose personal information if required to do so by law or if we believe that such action is necessary to protect and defend the rights, property or personal safety of All4Maternity, The Practising Midwife, All4Holdings Ltd. Including our websites or our visitors and for other lawful purposes.

Some examples of the organisations with which we may share your data:

Our subscription management partners:

The Marketing Centre (they help ensure you receive your TPM journal)

Our Printing company partner:

The Magazine Printing company (they print and distribute our TPM journal).

Our technology and media partners:

Creativeworld (who help manage and create our All4Maternity.com website)


How we keep your information safe – data and information security management

We make sure that appropriate physical, technical and human controls are in place to ensure we take good care of your information.

All personal data is secured and managed via our server and hosting partners, WeAreHA

HA, formerly HA247 is the trading name of RethinkIT Ltd, registered in England Wales. Company number: 06781499. HA, handles our hosting server security, firewall and website security compliance. Information security management, for our web platforms, websites and digital content is assured by HA. HA are QMS ISO 27001 registered, certified and compliant. Their powerful and secure firewall protects and safeguards our web applications via a dedicated server with 24hr/7days/365 days a year support.

HA keep your data protected from cyber attacks with secure hosting with advanced Web Applications Firewall (WAF).

Created using an advanced suite of tools, HA WAF puts in place a protective shield of defence against a whole range of cyber-attacks, making our websites secure. This includes:

  • Automatically blocking cyber attacks within seconds – with HA secure managed hosting, any issues the HA WAF detects will not slow down our website, as the issue is resolved.
  • Malicious Bot Detection – HA WAF can distinguish between legitimate and malicious bots, human users and advanced bots, ensuring all the harmful ones are blocked and legitimate ones are accepted.
  • Mitigates DDoS attacks – protects our web assets from malicious website traffic targeting, preventing hacking and necessary shut-down.

Despite ensuring the highest available web security hosting and firewalls, the transmission of information over the internet is never completely secure and as a result, while we strive to protect your personal information, All4Holdings Ltd. cannot guarantee the security of any information you transmit to us, and you do so at your own risk. Once we receive your data, we make every effort to try to ensure its security both on our systems and while in transit between our systems and our partners who work on our behalf in keeping with cyber essentials and ISO 27001 regulatory guidance.

All staff who have access to your personal data understand the importance of keeping your information safe and secure at all times and are given training to support them in this.

We cannot be responsible for the privacy policies and practices of other websites even if you access them using links from our websites and recommend that you check the policy of each site you visit.

We ensure that additional controls are in place for financial, sensitive and special categories of information, meeting regulatory and legal requirements for managing these types of information.

Sometimes we may transfer information submitted by you to our other offices or we may need to use a service provider or partner outside the European Economic Area (EEA) – which may include a country that does not have the same level of data protection as the UK. In these circumstances, we take all reasonable steps to ensure the safety and security of your information as set out in this Privacy Policy, including adhering to the EU-US privacy shield agreement.

How long we keep your information 

We will hold your personal information on our systems for as long as is necessary for the relevant activity, and meet any legal or regulatory requirement. This is so that we can provide the services, products or information you have requested, to administer your relationship with us, to ensure we don’t communicate with you if you’ve asked us not to and to comply with the law.

You have the right to object to your data being processed by us and can do so by contacting our Customer Care Team at All4Holdings Ltd, Saturn House, Mercury Rise, Altham Business Park, BB5 5BY, by email at in**@al***********.com

You can request a copy of the personal information that we hold about you under GDPR and the Data Protection Act 1998. If you would like to do so, please send a description of the information you would like as well as approved proof of identity to the Customer Care Team at All4Holdings Ltd, Saturn House, Mercury Rise, Altham Business Park, BB5 5BY.

You have the right to lodge a complaint about the way we manage your data with the Information Commissioners Office.

How to change the way we contact you

We always want you to be happy with the communication you receive from us. If you want to change how you hear from us, or update your details, simply get in touch with our Customer Care Team. You can call them on insert number or email in**@al***********.com (Monday to Friday, 9.30am-5pm).

You can also change the way we contact you in the following ways

  • Using the unsubscribe link in an email from us

Where you tell us that no longer want to hear from us for marketing purposes, please be aware that we may still contact you for administration purposes such as about any donations you make or any subscription management issues or providing you with information you’ve requested or in helping resolve a query.

How we use cookies

Cookies are small text files that are placed on your device to help us give you a better experience of using our website. Cookies do lots of different things, such as helping us to:

  • personalise the website to your requirements. If for example, on a previous visit you went to the ‘For you aspiring student’ page, then we might find this out from your cookie and highlight particular information related to this section of our website which you may find interesting, on a second visit.
  • avoid asking you to register or complete details twice
  • estimate the number of visitors to our site, including the source and patterns relating to this traffic
  • understand how visitors use the site, and how we can enhance this experience

You are able to set your devices to accept all cookies, to notify you when a cookie is issued, or not to receive cookies at any time, although of course please be aware this means that you’ll miss out on some personalised services.  You should read the information that came with your browser software to see how you can do this.

You can also find out more about cookies at www.allaboutcookies.org and www.youronlinechoices.eu/.

What if I’m under 18?

If you are under 18, please make sure that you obtain your parent/guardian’s permission beforehand whenever you provide personal information via our websites. Users without this consent are not allowed to provide us with personal information. Also, if you do use our sites to obtain information about maternity services and our subscription offers, please let an adult know.

 Changes to this policy

This information was last updated in May 2018. From time to time, we may make changes to the information on this page so you may wish to check back from time to time. The amended information will apply from the date it is posted on the site and will govern the way in which we collect and use personal information from then on.


Both All4Maternity and The Practising Midwife support and adhere to the principles of the Data Protection Act and as such undertake to protect your privacy and the security of any personal information we receive from you. When you register with All4Maternity or The Practising Midwife we ask for some information and demographic data from you. This information is used for statistical purposes so that we can improve our products and services, and to inform you about new services and changes to the website. The aggregated information enables us to assess browsing patterns, which in turn allows us to sell advertising to the pharmaceutical industry and others. However this aggregated data does not allow the identification of an individual.

This process is enabled through the use of ‘cookies’, a file that is stored on your computer. Cookies are normally accepted automatically but it is possible to adjust your settings so that cookies are not accepted. Adverts which are displayed on the website may also use cookies to track the number of users seeing the advertisement. However, this process does not provide access to personal information such as name, address and email addresses.

If you have opted in to our email service you may receive emails from us with news and updates about All4Maternity or The Practising Midwife related to the subject matter of this website. These emails may also contain promotional information only from authorised third-party advertisers. However, neither All4Maternity or The Practising Midwife will sell, exchange or rent any personal information to third parties. We uphold the security principle of the data protection act and employ procedures to protect the security of your data. You have the right to have the data provided to us deleted at any time.


We do not store credit card details nor do we share financial details with any 3rd parties.

Delivery Policy

Online services will be enabled as soon as confirmed payment has been received. Physical products will be despatched the next working day in accordance with the delivery option selected, we aim to deliver within 3-5 working days, subject to availability. If delivery is delayed excessively, we will do our utmost to inform you as soon as possible.

Refund / Cancellation Policy

Sorry we do not offer refunds. For subscription cancellations please contact su***********@al***********.com

For payment queries please contact ac******@al**********.com


For a list of our subscription options click here.


This service is provided by ALL4HOLDINGS LIMITED
Saturn House, Mercury Rise, Altham Business Park, ALTHAM, Lancashire. BB5 5BY

Tel: 01282 858222

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